Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re curious about the process, its benefits, or simply seeking to understand how it works, you’ll find all the essential information here. Our team has compiled a range of frequently asked questions to help you gain a deeper understanding of this transformative therapeutic approach.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a process whereby the therapist integrates what you wish to change with what you are currently doing. In other words, it means to swap out effective change with ineffective, old and stale patterns that no longer benefit you, the client. The trance state of hypnotherapy is the means by which heightened focus and concentration are accessed, resulting in long-lasting and healthy transformation.

Hypnotherapy can help with a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, insomnia and sleep disturbances, phobias, addictions, pain management, and more.

Guided hypnosis is the tool by which the therapist can assist the client to reach targeted goals, bringing about positive desired changes.

There are similarities between hypnosis and meditation, with both states requiring the brain to reach an Alpha state of around 7 to 13 pulses per second on the Hertz scale. The difference is that meditation typically aims to bring about a state of peacefulness and hypnosis is goal orientated with a purpose beyond just relaxation.

Hypnosis is a normal, naturally occurring, healthy state of mind. It is totally drug free. Naturally occurring states of hypnosis include daily occurrences where ‘auto-pilot’ occurs such as driving home without thinking of which roads to take, whilst simultaneously holding a conversation with other passengers in the car. It is an altered state of consciousness where the person is highly receptive to suggestion and whereby hypnosis can enhance the ability to imagine, remember, create and simultaneously increase responsiveness to positive suggestions.

Strategic Psychotherapy is a form of brief therapy which directs clients to have a quick and effective resolution to their problem. It is both goal oriented and outcome based. The therapy directly focuses on assisting clients to identify the distinctions about ‘how’ they run certain behaviours. With the help of the therapist, clients are able to identify and interrupt ineffective processes which have maintained their problem space (ie negative patterns). Strategic Psychotherapy facilitates change through the learning of new skills, with more effective processes, creating better strategies to enhance the client’s quality of life.

When a client discovers their negative patterns and how they ‘run’ them as a part of their internal systems, they can also develop more effective, positive patterns to replace the outdated and ineffective ones. Through the use of hypnotherapy and psychoeducation, the therapist is able to assist the client using the trance state, to engage the powers of the uncluttered unconscious mind, bringing forward the client’s own strengths and resources that were previously unutilized.

It is vitally important that the first step is to complete the Client Intake Form. This form details your history, important contacts, and what you hope to achieve from the sessions. It is signed and dated, and ensures you have an understanding of the therapist’s responsibility regarding your privacy and that you understand and agree to your part of this arrangement.

You may have already received your FREE brief consultation (up to 15 minutes obligation FREE), and this will have helped ensure that the therapist is a good fit for your individual need.

This is obligation free with no cost to you.

All sessions are generally up to 60 minutes, and charged at an hourly rate of $220.

Packages can be arranged, typically in groups of 3-4 sessions, and these will incur a discounted rate.

Frequently 3-4 sessions are sufficient, however it is often found that new issues are uncovered and the client will choose to continue therapy on that basis and by further negotiation. The best results can only be achieved quickly with the full participation of the client and their willingness to commit to tasking and homework, in support of their desire for positive and lasting outcomes.

Virtually anyone can be hypnotized, some more easily than others. The depth that people reach in hypnosis varies between individuals. It is not necessary to achieve a very deep level of hypnosis to bring about change to habits or conditions that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically. It is through ongoing commitment and practice that the best results can be achieved.

This is one of our most frequently asked questions.

“Stage” Hypnosis is for entertainment purposes, creating a common misunderstanding that people can be made into zombies. It is a misconception that the therapist can ‘control’ the client and make them act like a robot.

Hypnosis requires the full participation of the client to be effective, therefore making it impossible for the client to do something against their will, or against their normal moral and ethical values.

Daydreaming is a self-induced, naturally occurring state of hypnosis. So long as you are willing to relax and trust yourself, it is possible to enter a state of hypnosis, whereby you will enjoy a deeply relaxing state of being, and targeted change can occur.

At no time during hypnosis will you enter a complete state of unawareness. Should you find that painful or scary memories surface, the trained therapist will safely guide you through this and you can choose how you wish to proceed. You will be fully in control of the outcome with the professional support of the hypnotherapist to assist you.

For everyone it is different. This means it can vary from immediate changes in thoughts, behaviours and physiology. It can also be incremental whereby change happens over a period of time. Retrospective change is when you look back in time and realise how far you have come and how different your life is now.

Our clients who achieve the best results tell us that they come with a willingness to create change, an open mind to new possibilities and perspectives, they are willing to share personal information and reflect on their life experiences, always do their tasking and homework, and practice good self-care by being patient and committed to the process of change.

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Get in touch with Ahh Haa Hypnotherapy and we will answer any questions that you have.