
What you can expect:

Ahh Haa Hypnotherapy offers various services including Strategic Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Life Coaching and Counselling, either individually or in combination.

Anyone experiencing emotional and/or physical dis-ease may benefit, however successful treatment can only be achieved where the client is fully committed to the process.

Our fees are in line with industry standards, however we encourage discussion regarding affordability should the need exist. Most dis-eases can typically be resolved in 6 appointments. Should additional issues arise during therapy, then additional sessions will be required. All clients should check with their private health fund to see if they are covered for our services. Full payment is required to receive the invoice for your potential claim with your private health insurance provider. Please note, we do not accept Medicare.

All clients should check with their private health fund to see if they are covered for our services. Full payment is required to receive the invoice for your potential claim with your private health insurance provider. Please note, we do not accept Medicare.

Online Services:

Clients can be seen in person or via distance/online. If you prefer to have your session in the comfort of your own home, if distance is a problem, if disability prevents you from meeting face-to-face, or life is just too busy, ONLINE may just be the solution for you.

All you need is a suitable device (laptop/iPad/mobile phone/etc), a strong and reliable internet connection, and access to the agreed style of communication (Zoom/Messenger/What’s App/Face-time), and Webcam. It is important to understand that not all Apps are the same nor do they offer the same encryption security.

Phone counselling is also available.

How it begins:

Sessions typically start with the client sharing their reason for seeking support, and then progressing to a relaxing hypnosis. The first appointment or Intake is a 2 hour session, with continued appointments being 1 hour duration. Clients are encouraged to record their own hypnosis for continued practice between sessions.

Hypnosis works by inducing a trance-like state, which opens the mind to suggestion, making the client receptive to new ideas and behaviors. During hypnosis, the client is guided into a state of deep relaxation, where they can more easily access their own subconscious mind, making therapy more effective.

This state of consciousness allows the trained hypnotherapist to suggest new ways of thinking or behaving to the client, and can help them overcome issues such as anxiety, depression, or addiction. It is important to note that hypnosis is not a magical or mystical practice, but rather a scientifically recognized tool that has been used for many years to help people make positive life changes.

The way hypnosis happens:

  • Slow deep breathing and progressive relaxation;
  • Guided imagery, relevant to the problem space, used to tap into the unconscious mind;
  • Suggestions are made here using the information from strategic questioning during pre-hypnosis/counselling phase;
  • Client is brought out of trance state;
  • Post-hypnotic suggestions are anchored.

Where Hypnosis can help:

Hypnosis has been demonstrated to benefit many areas including:


      • Depression

      • Stress and anxiety, including performance anxiety

      • Insomnia

      • Pain management

      • Phobias

      • Addictions (smoking, drinking, online shopping, etc)

      • Relationships

      • Procrastination and Goal Setting

      • Post surgery recovery

      • Weight loss

      • And so much more…

    A typical appointment involves a combination of Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis aiming to bring out the best in the client, by leaving behind negative patterns and/or habits that no longer meet the client’s needs.  As the client, you will transition into a stronger, happier, more effective person, able to access previously untapped positive qualities that were hidden in the unconscious. The extent of individual success depends entirely on your commitment to change, and your willingness to let go of or unlearn past negative habits.

    Brief Strategic Psychotherapy has evolved from the study of psychological problems, to the study of therapeutic solutions, aiming to eradicate negative patterns that have formed over time. Often the patterns were an attempt to cope but ultimately maintained the issue, often making it worse.

    Using permissive language, imagery and metaphor the therapist will strategically guide the client toward identifying dysfunctional thought patterns causing emotional blocks, bringing the client to a new self-awareness, and then instilling long-lasting and desirable change.

    This re-organisation of beliefs and perceptions is how change occurs, ultimately shifting the client forward again.


    It should be noted that Hypnotherapy has limitations, and client commitment is essential.

    To reach hypnotic trance successfully the following needs to happen:

    • The client must want to be hypnotized. Attending sessions must be of free will and not to please others.
    • The client needs to fully focus on all instructions given by the therapist throughout the session and be willing to do follow-up tasking as required.
    • The client and therapist need to be a good fit. Rapport and trust need to be established.
    • The age of the client can have a significant effect as the elderly can sometimes drift off into sleep, whilst young children may struggle to sit still for very long. This can be discussed prior to commencing Intake.
    • Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot be seen as this is against policy.
    • Anyone who has epilepsy should not be hypnotized as this can trigger a seizure.
    • Anyone who believes they cannot “be hypnotized” is resistant to the concept of hypnosis and likely have no desire to attend. This can be discussed prior to Intake; however, the likelihood of trance is low.
    • Anyone with a mental health disorder should discuss with their GP or specialist when contemplating hypnotherapy.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Any appointments cancelled within 24 hours prior to the day of appointment will be charged 50% of the full fee.  Same-day cancellation or “no show” will be charged 100% of the full fee.